Digital Marketing

SEO - Search Engine Optimisation

If you’re a small business owner in India, or elsewhere across the country whose target audience can’t find them in search results, you’re losing out on potential business. Don’t be overlooked — utilize local SEO tactics from our team, which includes:

  • Keyword Research analysis and finalize
  • On-Page/On-Site Optimization
  • Competitive Analysis
  • Conversion Rate Auditing
  • Link Building & Outreach Strategies
  • Sitemap creation and submission
  • Google Analytics measurement reports

Bronze Deal

  • 5 keywords
  • Manual Submissions to Search Engines(50)
  • Manual Submissions to Online Directories(150)
  • Social Bookmarking Submissions(30)
  • Creation/Uploading of Robots.txt file
  • ₹4000 Month

Silver Deal

  • 5 keywords
  • Manual Submissions to Search Engines(75)
  • Manual Submissions to Online Directories(250)
  • Social Bookmarking Submissions(50)
  • Creation/Uploading of Robots.txt File
  • ₹6000 Month

Gold Deal

  • 5 keywords
  • Manual Submissions to Search Engines(100)
  • Manual Submissions to Online Directories(500)
  • Social Bookmarking Submissions(100)
  • Creation/Uploading of Robots.txt File
  • ₹8000 Month

Social Media Campine

With this option we can manage you social media accounts with budget price.

Basic Deal

  • 1 Month
  • 3 Account
  • 8 Posts
  • Price: Rs. 1000/-

Standard Deal

  • 1 Month
  • 3 Account
  • 16 Posts
  • Price: Rs. 1500/-

Ultimate Deal

  • 1 Month
  • 3 Account
  • 30 Posts
  • Price: Rs. 2500/-

Marketing Services

With this option we can manage you social media accounts with budget price.

Google business registration

  • Review 2
  • 2 days delivery
  • Price: ₹ 2000

Facebook Page Promotion

  • 80 likes per day
  • 1 post daily
  • Only working day
  • For Ads Campaign 15% for client budget
  • Price: Rs. 7000/-

Adword Setup

  • One time setup charge
  • 15 % of client budget
  • Keyword Setup
  • Target Location
  • Price: Rs. 2000

Social media profile building

  • Review 3
  • 3 day delivery
  • 5 Social media account
  • Price: Rs. 2000

Youtube Subscriber and views

  • Subscriber: 1000-1200
  • Views: 40k - 50k
  • 15-20 days delivery
  • price will vary depending on location
  • Price: Rs. 20000


  • 500 Backlink
  • 12 day delivery
  • High quality backlink
  • Price: Rs. 8000

Newsletter design

  • 1 review
  • 2 day delivery
  • Call to action option
  • Price: Rs. 800

Youtube Video View Plan

  • Subscriber: 100
  • Views: 10k - 15k
  • Price: Rs. 6000